
On your payslip there are many terms and abbreviations. Here is a summary of the most common definitions accompanied by, where necessary, an explanation.

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The payslip is divided into several blocks. For each block we give an explanation.

Block 1 - Employee

Your name and address details.

Block 2 – Employer

Address details of the AB Werkt-BV you work for.

Block 3 – Basic information

Weeknummer en jaartal: week number and year to which the remuneration relates.

Personeelsnummer: Every employee of AB Werkt has a unique employee number. Please make sure that you mention this number and your name on your timesheet.

Datum in dienst: Date of commencement of employment.

Geboortedatum: Speaks for itself. Check your first payslip to see if this is correct.

Burgerservicenr.: This is a unique personal number for everyone who is registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database (GBA). You can also find this number on your passport, driving license and ID. Check your first payslip to see if this is correct.

Tabelkleur: white table is used for wages from current employment.

Tabelsoort: The week table is applied for the wage tax.

Minimum loon: The minimum wage that you must earn according to Dutch law.

LH korting: Has a reduction of the Payroll taxes been applied? Ja = Yes or Nee = No. Reductions of the Payroll tax are reductions in income tax and social security contributions. In addition to a general discount you may qualify for multiple discounts. This depends on your personal situation.

Jaarloon: The annual salary special rate is the wage payroll tax (fiscal salary) from the previous calendar year. Based on this amount, the "Percentage Payroll tax 'is determined. For new employees, the wage payroll tax is converted to an annual basis.

Bijzonder tarief (%): The payroll tax you must pay on special wages, such as holiday pay and overtime bonus. If the advantage rule applies, it may be that the calculation has not been done with the percentage of special wages but with the regular payroll tax tables.

Fase (code): Phase of the CLA for temporary employees in which you work.

Block 4 – Calculation of your salary

This block starts with the name of the company you work for. Followed by the CLA you work for and the salary scale you are classified into.

Normale uren: The total number of hours worked in that week. At 'bedrag' your gross hourly rate is stated.

Toeslaguren: the number of hours worked at irregular hours with the corresponding surcharge percentage. Surcharge Hours are displayed on two lines. Once with the part 100% and once with the supplement part.

Overuren: The number of overtime hours you have worked with the corresponding overtime rate.

Furthermore, here you can find other gross hour types and compensations, for example taken holiday hours, gross compensations or bonus payments.

Wachtdagcompensatie: If you have a Phase A contract with a temporary employment clause and you fall ill, you get sick pay from the third day. The waiting day compensation is an allowance to cover the first two days when you will not get paid. With a different contractual form you already get paid sick pay from the second day and the waiting day compensation ceases.

Premie Ziektewet aanvulling - werknemer: If you have a phase A contract with a temporary employment clause, a premium will be deducted for the additional sickness benefit.

StiPP plus premie - werknemer: This is the amount which is turned over to your pension provision (Pension premium Plus through Stipp). This amount is deducted from your gross salary.

Loon voor de werknemersverzekeringen: By the amount shown here, you pay employee insurance. The Social Security Wage (SVW) is the gross wage minus the amount you pay for e.g. retirement.

Loon voor de loonbelasting/volksverzekeringen: Wage before income tax is deducted.

Ingehouden loonbelasting/premie volksverzekeringen: The payroll tax / income tax, which must be paid on the wage for PT/ IT period.

Totaal netto: the result of the gross / net trajectory for the normal remuneration.

If applicable, below you will find other net compensations and/or deductions. For example:

Inhouding premie WGA: This is a withholding of the premium for a WGA benefit. WGA benefit is intended for employees who are partially or temporarily incapacitated. WGA benefit supplements your own revenues. The basic principle of the scheme is that the employee continues to work as much as possible.

ET netto vergoeding normaal loon: part of the normal gross salary, which is exchanged for payment of housing costs.

ET netto vergoeding overwerkloon: part of the gross salary of overtime, which is exchanged for payment of housing costs.

Inhouding huisvestingskosten en/of zorgverzekering: amount which AB Werkt withholds to pay the health insurance and/or housing costs.

Uit te betalen bedrag: The amount you get paid.

ET uitruil huisvestingskosten en/of levensonderhoud: the amount of housing costs and/or costs of living (extra territorial costs) on behalf of the ET-regulation.

Verrekende arbeidskorting: Tax credit, this is a tax-free allowance incorporated in the payroll tax tables. The amount depends on your income and age.

Block 5 - Reservations

Vakantiegeld: Here is the amount that you accrue on holiday pay. The holiday pay (typically 8% of your gross salary) is paid annually in June.

Vakantieuren Bovenwettelijk: at 'saldo' you find the accrued number of hours that you have built up so far on non-statutory holiday.

Vakantieuren Wettelijk: at 'saldo' you find the accrued number of hours that you have built up so far on statutory holiday.

Together, statutory and non-statutory holidays are the number of holiday hours you can take for holidays and/or days off.

If you have a Fase A contract with a temporary employment clause, here you find the total amount you have built up so far on holiday. By dividing this figure by your gross hourly wage, you get the number of hours you can take for holidays and/or days off.

Kort verzuim: Also called special leave. In phase A with temporary employment clause an amount is set aside for this. At the time of applying for special leave (short absence), you will be paid from this reservation, provided that the amount is sufficient. The reservation will be paid out at least once every two years (in June and December). If you have a different contract, you get paid short absence.

Feestdagen: Do you have a Phase A contract with a temporary employment clause, you reserve an amount to compensate for the holidays. In weeks with holidays these days are paid from this reservation. Provided that the accumulated amount is sufficient. If you have a different contract, then nothing is reserved separately, but here you get the holidays paid

Tijd voor tijd: Here you will find the accrued hours for the allowance in time or money.

Block 6 – Payment advice

The amount that you get paid is stated in this block, who the beneficiary is and to which account the amount is transferred. Also the week number is mentioned on which the amount applies.

Saldo oud: If you have received too much or too little salary over a previous week, you can find this amount here.

Bedrag: The amount you get paid for this period.

Saldo nieuw: The total amount you get paid, up to and including this week.